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Stones, Slates & Hardpack

We carry a wide range of stones to suit a variety of projects and preferences. Some of our most popular products are shown below. Please call or stop by for more information on stone products, and set your date for a delivery.

Ledgestone: 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1.5" (Trap Rock)

Natural Stones: 

Peastone (5/16"), 3/4", 3/4"+, Roofstone (1.5"), 5", boulders)

Slate: Red (3/4" & 1.5"), Purple-Green Mottled (3/4"), Multi-Colored (3/4")

White Marble: 1" & "Shot Rock"

Hardpack: 3/4" ledgestone with stonedust

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